General terms and conditions of sale


1.1. These General Terms and Conditions of Contract and Sale, in the version in force at the time the contract is concluded (the “GTC”), apply to all present and future contractual relationships between you and us concerning the provision of consulting and intermediation services in accordance with paragraph 2.

1.2. By placing each order, you acknowledge these GTC in the version in force at the time the contract is concluded. The GTC form an integral part of all our offers and order confirmations. Your general terms and conditions only apply if expressly agreed in writing, even if reference is made to them.

1.3. Only the French version is legally binding. All translations are not considered an integral part of the contract and cannot be used to interpret contractual agreements written in French.


2.1. Our contractual obligation consists of facilitating the conclusion of contracts for the services you wish to obtain from various suppliers and service providers such as travel agencies, airlines, carriers, hotels, activities of various kinds, travel insurance, coaches, therapists etc.

You authorize us to take the necessary measures on your behalf to guarantee the processing of reservations. We will send you the supplier’s offers in consolidated form or, if you wish, direct offers, unless otherwise specified in the agreements with the respective supplier.

2.2. A special information contract, in which the essential contractual obligation is the obligation to provide information, is only concluded if explicitly agreed between you and us. In this case, Edelweiss Travel Designers by Garcia.k is solely responsible for the accuracy of the information provided in accordance with art. 398 para. 2 CO.

2.3. Our mediation activity consists of looking for offers that meet your needs, according to the criteria we have defined during our consultations, and presenting the results of our research to you. As part of this Therapeutic Travel Consulting service, we are entitled to compensation in accordance with paragraph 5, whether or not you choose to book a trip from the proposals presented to you. Unless otherwise agreed, we are not obliged to cancel any transaction entered into, to claim compensation from suppliers or to request, receive or transmit statements and documents from suppliers. Such services must be agreed and compensated for separately in all cases.

2.4. If you provide us with a budget, we will take it into account in our mediation activities. However, we cannot guarantee that the budget will be adhered to due to, among other things, changes in prices, services or tariffs by suppliers and third parties over which we have no influence.

2.5. Without explicit agreement, we are not obliged to search for and/or offer the cheapest supplier for the requested travel service. Our service consists of choosing, on your behalf and based on discussions with you, the most suitable supplier.

2.6. You can conclude travel service contracts with the relevant supplier on the basis of the offers we have researched by commissioning and authorizing us to book the relevant travel services with the suppliers and to conclude contracts on your behalf and at your expense. In the case of third-party services such as the services of other tour operators or individual services such as accommodation or flights, you enter into the contract directly with the companies concerned and we are not a party to the contract. Our mandate includes receiving information and declarations from suppliers. On request, you can provide us with a general power of attorney with the corresponding right of substitution.

2.7. Therefore, we act exclusively as a mediation agency commissioned by you with regard to supplier services. Your rights and obligations towards the travel service provider result exclusively from the agreements made with them, in particular – if effectively agreed – from their general terms and conditions (GTC). These may regulate aspects such as payment terms, payment deadlines, liability, cancellation, modification and refund, which you are bound to respect. The corresponding T&Cs of the suppliers will be provided to you on request, where available, for consultation and acceptance prior to our booking on your behalf. In the absence of any special agreement or mention, the conditions of carriage issued on the basis of legislation by the competent transport authority or under international agreements also apply to transport services.

2.8. The work entrusted to us is carried out in accordance with the principles of proper professional practice. We decide at our discretion which employees will be affected and reserve the right to replace employees at any time without notice and without providing justification.

2.9. We are authorized to call on auxiliaries and other third parties to carry out the assignment (right of substitution).

2.10. Deadlines and other dates are binding if expressly agreed. We undertake to inform you of any deviations from the planned schedule and their consequences, and to present the measures available to correct deviations and meet the agreed deadlines.

2.11. The results of the work we produce as part of the assignment are intended for you and the recipients expressly mentioned. Our results may only be passed on and/or made available to third parties with our written consent.

2.12. The text of the contract and your order data are stored by us for the purpose of executing the contractual relationship. As part of the processing of the contract, we will pass on the data made available to us in accordance with the law and the provisions of our privacy policy to the suppliers and contractual partners you have selected (such as tour operators, airlines, etc.) and you will receive from us all essential information about the mediation contract concluded with the supplier’s confirmation.

2.13. Edelweiss Travel Designers by Garcia.k expressly declares that it acts solely as an intermediary for the companies mentioned (tour operators, airlines, hotels, car rental companies, shipping companies, coaches, therapists etc.) and therefore cannot be held liable for any damages whatsoever, such as losses, injuries, accidents, delays or other irregularities, which may occur during the execution of the services mentioned.


3.1. If you would like us to mediate a therapeutic stay and/or other travel services, and you ask us to send you a quotation, we will charge our fees for the preparation of the quotation as well as for consulting, clarification and other related work at the hourly rates customary in the industry, the minimum amount being CHF 80 excluding VAT in all cases, regardless of the duration of our work.

3.2. The travel services and other content presented on our website or presented by us, which are subsequently provided to you by e-mail or by any other means, do not constitute a binding offer by us or any supplier. Our non-binding offer includes a travel proposal with essential information (such as number of participants, itinerary or rough planning of the trip, planned tour operator, budget, deposit, payment terms) on our part, as well as reference to the current General Terms and Conditions of Travel and GTCs of the tour operators already offered and of other companies.

3.3. By contacting us in writing or electronically (e-mail/internet), you are making a binding offer to enter into a mediation contract for travel services and the provision of associated consulting services, which is concluded by our declaration of acceptance. No specific form is required to conclude the contract. For each travel request, please send an email to or call +41 22 592 16 07/ +41 78 254 38 18 in order to provide Edelweiss Travel Designers by Garcia.k with the essential information to research the requested trip.

3.4. The contract with the respective supplier is concluded in accordance with the law or the supplier’s GTC. Travel conditions may be modified by suppliers at any time and without prior notice. Any travel conditions included in suppliers’ offers or in our offers, such as quoted prices, are therefore generally non-binding.


4.1. You are responsible for all decisions relating to our services, the use or implementation of our work results, as well as for deciding on their suitability.

4.2. You agree to provide us with all necessary assistance free of charge and to inform us fully and in good time of all documents, processes and circumstances that may be relevant to the performance of the assignment. In particular, you have informed us in good time and in a complete, correct and truthful manner of all information essential to the provision of our services, so that we can fulfil our obligations in good time and without additional effort. This also includes travel restrictions, such as those related to health problems or other circumstances. In particular, you must inform us without delay of any error or apparent defect once it has been discovered. This includes, in particular, incorrect or incomplete personal data, other information, declarations and documents concerning intermediated travel services, as well as incomplete execution of mediation services (e.g. reservations not made or not executed). In the event of failure to provide information or notification, insofar as this is legally permissible, claims for compensation arising from the mediation contract will be null and void, unless you can prove that the erroneous and/or incorrect information was known to us and was intentional, in which case our liability will be governed by clause 10.

4.3. You warrant that the information provided and its use for the execution of the order do not infringe any copyright or any other right of any third party.

4.4. Subsequent declarations or requests on your part to change the agreed terms and conditions (e.g. number of participants, number of rooms in a hotel, hotel category) will be charged extra at the usual hourly rates.

4.5. You must inform yourself in good time, if necessary through appropriate third parties, of the suppliers’ terms and conditions, as well as your rights and obligations as an air passenger.

4.6. You must respect legal or contractual deadlines. In the case of travel services intermediated by us, these deadlines are not respected by opposing them to us. We must have sufficient time to transmit your declarations to the suppliers, and it is agreed that, to the extent legally permissible, we are not responsible for transmitting said declarations in the required form and time.

4.7. You are responsible for making the necessary payments to suppliers at the time of booking and during order fulfilment, so that we can make payments to suppliers and third parties in a timely manner.

4.8. In the event of failure to comply with these deadlines, we are entitled, but not obliged, to cancel bookings without prior notice, including your obligation to pay cancellation charges.

4.9. Prices denominated in foreign currencies are converted into CHF at the prevailing internal exchange rate, unless otherwise specified.

4.10. We have no control over changes in prices, services or rates of intermediated travel services. If such changes have been effectively agreed between you and a supplier, you must transfer the amount due to us without delay. Please note that airlines reserve the right, under international aviation regulations, to make major changes or adjustments, including: changes to flight itineraries; conversion of direct flights into flights with stopovers or connecting flights, or vice versa; changes to flight schedules or dates up to 48 hours before departure; use of other aircraft types; change of departure or arrival airports; change of operating airline. This also applies to any changes in air transport due to government instructions. In such cases, you cannot cancel the travel mediation contract concluded with us free of charge; nor is there any entitlement to compensation for additional costs incurred in such cases. To this extent, your requests can only be addressed to individual airlines. If the intermediated flights are special flights or scheduled flights with special fares, the airlines reserve the right, under their own contractual provisions, to increase prices even after the contract of carriage has been concluded. We will inform you of any such price increase. Your right to cancel your contract with the airline is governed by the applicable legal and contractual provisions. Legal rights, in particular those arising from Regulation (EC) No. 261/2004, which applies in Switzerland on the basis of the bilateral air transport agreement of June 21, 1999 between the Swiss Confederation and the European Community, remain unaffected.

4.11. Unless otherwise agreed, you are solely responsible for informing us about and obtaining in good time any passports, visas, health and other documents required for travel, as well as travel authorizations, such as ESTA travel authorizations for the United States. This also applies to information on entry health regulations and preventive health measures for you and other travelers. If we assist you in this process, we may request reimbursement of expenses incurred, including telecommunications and courier charges or relevant services, without special agreement.

4.12. By registering participants for the trip, you agree to be jointly and severally liable for their contractual obligations.

4.13. You must compensate us for our services in accordance with the provisions below under point 5 and pay the costs of suppliers and third parties in good time, in order to allow us sufficient time to pay suppliers’ invoices on time. If payment is overdue and the contract with a supplier can no longer be concluded (on time) or is cancelled by the supplier, we are entitled to charge the additional costs incurred at the usual hourly rates. The same applies if we need additional documents/supporting documents and they arrive late or not at all. A delay means that the travel services can no longer be intermediated because the deadlines set by the supplier have expired.

4.14. You are aware that travel involves specific risks and obligations that you must assume and fulfill yourself. We’d like to remind you of the following points, which you can’t claim not to have been aware of.

Special requests, such as rooms with connecting doors, are gladly accepted and we try to make them possible. However, these are non-binding and cannot be guaranteed.

Entry requirements: Citizens must have a valid travel document, such as an identity card or passport, which must generally be valid for up to 6 months after the date of return. Depending on the destination, a visa may also be required. We’ll be happy to advise you individually. You will find a non-binding overview on the following website:

Health regulations: Please inform yourself in good time before booking or starting the trip about protective measures against infections and vaccinations, as well as other prophylactic measures. We recommend that you contact the HUG Tropical and Humanitarian Medicine Department, Rue Gabrielle-Perret-Gentil 6, 1205 Geneva., Tel: +41 22 372 96 15 or your attending physician. You will find current information without guarantee on the following website:

Pandemic: You are required to comply with testing and certification obligations (e.g. COVID-19) caused by a pandemic. We are not responsible for any failure to comply with them.

Political risks: The political risks of the various countries are assessed by the FDFA and published on their website: . Edelweiss Travel Designers by Garcia.k declines all responsibility for damages resulting from political risks.

Weather conditions: Please consult the forecast weather conditions on the Internet.

Airline tickets: The name on your airline ticket must match the name on your passport. Name changes are not possible with scheduled airlines. The fare conditions, modification and cancellation options for your flight ticket have been discussed with you at the time of booking or have been given to you in writing. Additional costs for modifications are not excluded.

Loyalty programs: Please check during registration that your loyalty number is correctly registered. Input may not always be transmitted correctly for technical reasons. We recommend that you keep your boarding passes to check your mileage account. Airlines only award mileage credits if the name on the ticket matches the name on your mileage account.

Seat reservations: No refunds of paid seat reservation fees are possible; a 100% fee is incurred. Nor do airlines guarantee confirmed and paid seat reservations. The flight may be operated with a different type of aircraft, which may result in subsequent changes to the seats reserved.

Unforeseen incidents during air travel: Edelweiss Travel Designers by Garcia.k has no control or influence over the following situations during air travel: delays, overbooking, flight cancellations, missed connections, lost, damaged or delayed luggage, etc. Edelweiss Travel Designers by Garcia.k has no control or influence over the following situations during air travel: delays, overbooking, flight cancellations, missed connections, lost, damaged or delayed luggage, etc. To protect passengers, the European Union has enacted air passenger rights, which you can consult on the following website:

“No-show”: If a booked flight is not taken (no-show), all other flights in your booking may be automatically cancelled. If your travel plans change, we recommend that you confirm all other flights. In the event of a “no-show”, all tickets may lose their value.

Check-in and baggage drop-off: Passengers are responsible for arriving at the appropriate counter on time. Please note that our indications in the travel program for check-in times are estimates and that we assume no liability. Airlines are not obliged to rebook delayed passengers onto other flights free of charge.

Check in your baggage and get your boarding pass for the connecting flight: When you have to make a connection during your flight, always try to check in your baggage to the final destination and get your boarding pass for the connecting flight. The airline may not be able to check your baggage through to the final destination, as baggage must be cleared through customs at the arrival airport in the destination country (for example, in the USA). Airlines may refuse to check baggage if flights are not included in the same ticket.

Luggage: Each airline has its own rules regarding checked baggage and hand luggage. Number, dimensions and maximum weight vary according to class and fare. If you carry more baggage than your ticket allows, you’ll have to pay a surcharge or, in the worst case, you may not be able to take your baggage with you. Special rules apply to sports luggage such as golf and ski equipment. We recommend that you clarify these issues with your travel consultant before departure to avoid additional costs. Dangerous goods are not permitted in hand or checked baggage. A non-exhaustive list is available on : Only limited quantities of liquids may be carried in hand luggage.

Flight confirmation: We recommend that you check the departure times of flights booked with the airline, as schedule changes and delays may occur.

Airport taxes: Not all taxes are included in the airfare. Additional taxes may have to be paid locally.

Insurance: We recommend that you carefully check your insurance coverage (cancellation, baggage, accident, illness, plane crash, etc.). We’ll be happy to advise you.

Loss of baggage: Please note that airlines limit their liability and cap compensation for lost or damaged baggage at around CHF 30.00 per kilogram.


5.1. We will provide you with an “Invoice” document listing the costs of the services you have selected and confirmed. Prices are generally quoted in Swiss francs (CHF) and include the services you have paid for directly, the therapist’s services and logistical costs, as well as our fee of 20% of the total cost of the stay for our mediation services, advice and exclusive contact for all requests throughout your therapeutic stay, operational costs based on the exchange rate and VAT at the applicable rate. Prices valid at the time of booking are binding. Invoices are due and payable within 14 days of issue, unless we advise otherwise.

5.2. A reminder fee of CHF 30.00 will be charged for the first reminder, on the understanding that we reserve the discretionary right to send no more than three reminders. Additional charges may apply for second and third reminders.

5.3. In the case of time-based invoicing, the hourly rates and invoicing method (flat rate, hourly rate or management fee) must be agreed. We also reserve the right to charge for certain additional services, participant management, and other additional requests.

5.4. In the event of a cost estimate, this provides an indicative planning basis for the expenditure required to provide the agreed services. If the cost estimate cannot be met, we will inform you. Any cost overruns must be negotiated between the parties and set out in a written amendment.

5.5. We are authorized to issue interim invoices and to request advances and reimbursement of reasonable expenses. We may make the provision of our services conditional upon payment in full of our claims, and in the event of non-payment or delay we are released from our obligation to provide further services. In this case, we are not responsible for any damages resulting from the interruption or cessation of the services. We also reserve the right to assert other contractual and legal rights.

5.6. You cannot compensate until the claims are legally established or expressly recognized in writing by us. You also have no right of retention or lien.

5.7. Our right to compensation to the agreed extent remains fully valid in the event of disruption of performance or changes, in particular with regard to the travel date, destination, place of departure of the trip, accommodation, mode of transport, choice of service provider, modification by the service provider or by you, and may increase in the event of possible additional costs.

5.8. In the event of termination, cancellation or termination of the contract concluded with a supplier, we are entitled to appropriate compensation for the services provided.

5.9. Under no circumstances can you require us to finance the intermediate services with our own funds. If we pre-finance payments to suppliers at our discretion, we are entitled to reimbursement and we are entitled to set off the payments received against the claims you have against us.

5.10. A deposit is due upon conclusion of the contract, which can reach 100% of the price of the trip. Airline tickets and insurance premiums must always be paid 100% of the deposit. The remaining balance of the trip price must be paid no later than 40 days before the start of the trip. Other payment dates can be agreed, but the trip must always be paid in full before departure. Failure to timely pay the deposit or balance entitles us, after expiration of a short unsuccessful additional period, to refuse the travel services. In this case, the trip is considered canceled and cancellation fees are due. For last minute bookings, bookings in high season or during public holidays, the full invoice amount must be paid upon conclusion of the contract. Your trip will only be confirmed after receipt of legally due payment.

5.11. Price may be adjusted due to currency fluctuations. Edelweiss Travel Designers by Garcia.k expressly reserves the right to adjust the price based on the exchange rate actually paid. Currency fluctuations are therefore reserved. If a fixed price in Swiss francs is desired, the exchange rate can be fixed by a forward purchase.


6.1. Regarding travel documents, we refer you to the corresponding provisions in the travel conditions of the respective supplier, which are provided to you before and during bookings. Edelweiss Travel Designers by Garcia.k strives to provide you with a summary of services in a travel program to help make your trip smoother. This travel program will be sent to you approximately 14 days before departure.

6.2. Airlines today only issue electronic tickets (e-tickets). In this case, an electronic reservation code and an electronic ticket number are usually transmitted in text form (usually by email), which you will present upon check-in along with an identification document (ID card or passport) to obtain your boarding pass, with which you can go through airport security and board the plane. Most airlines also offer online check-in, allowing you to print the boarding pass or view it on your cell phone screen via the Internet.

6.3. Particularly for hotel and rental car reservations, authorization vouchers are transmitted by sending a reservation number and/or passport to be presented to the supplier.

6.4. In any case, it is your responsibility to check the correctness and completeness of the contractual documents and other documents of the intermediary supplier, in particular booking confirmations, airline tickets, hotel vouchers, certificates of insurance and other documents, ensuring in particular their compliance with the reservation and the mediation mission. If the documents are not sent to you directly by the supplier, they will be sent to you by us at our discretion and at your expense by post, e-mail or courier.


7.1. After conclusion of the contract with the provider of the travel service, the conditions for contract changes that you have requested or desired (e.g. modification, cancellation) are governed by the conditions of the respective provider. In the event of modifications, rebookings or cancellations, subject to other agreements, a cancellation fee of 100% of the trip price is charged. In special cases, deadlines can be agreed, during which cancellations are possible free of charge or at reduced costs.


The personal data you provide to us will be processed, used and passed on to the respective provider to the extent that they are necessary for the execution of the contract. All your personal data will be processed in accordance with the law by us. For more information on the processing of your data, please consult our privacy policy at:


9.1. We draw your attention to the possibility of taking out trip cancellation insurance when booking in order to minimize the financial risk in the event of cancellation. However, trip cancellation insurance generally does not cover damage resulting from the interruption of the provision of travel services after they have started, even in the event of cancellation through no fault of yours.

9.2. Edelweiss Travel Designers by Garcia.k assumes no liability for damages that can be avoided by taking out travel insurance if such insurance has not been taken out. If paying by credit card, we strongly recommend that you carefully review the contractual conditions and the maximum cancellation fees. As a general rule, only the person holding the card is insured. If you have any questions or uncertainties, please contact your credit card company immediately.

9.3. We also recommend that you take out adequate foreign health insurance when traveling abroad.

9.4. When mediating insurance, please note that the insurance conditions of mediated travel insurance policies may contain special contractual conditions and/or cooperation obligations, including exclusions of liability (e.g. for medical history), deadlines for reporting claims and deductibles.

9.5. No obligation to provide additional information, advice or recommendation regarding the necessity, scope, coverage and insurance conditions of travel insurance, in particular health and travel interruption insurance, exists unless agreed express otherwise.

9.6. To the extent that our mediation also concerns insurance, we are not obliged to inform you about the insurance conditions, in particular to the extent that you may be informed about the insurance conditions, including coverage, exceptions to the coverage and other insurance conditions, based on the documents you have received or which are available from the intermediated travel service provider or information from the travel insurer.


10.1. To the extent permitted by law, our liability is excluded and, if we are found liable, we are only liable for damage caused by unlawful intent or gross negligence, which you must prove.

10.2. We are not responsible for the success of the mediation and/or the effective/flawless execution of the travel service by the supplier, but only for the carefully carried out advice and mediation activity.

10.3. If you express specific requests (for example, a non-smoking room) which are not part of the supplier’s description of the service, we give no guarantee, either before or after booking, and assume no liability. This is exclusively a non-binding request to us or the supplier, by which a reserved service is neither extended nor changed.

10.4. We are not responsible for the issuance of visas, travel authorizations and other documents or their timely access.

10.5. We cannot guarantee or ensure in any way that the available information and other data, in particular with regard to prices, services, booking conditions, restrictions and dates, are current, complete and correct. The information on travel services is based on the information of the respective providers. In addition, all travel services are only available while stocks last and we are not responsible for and do not guarantee their availability.

10.6. We cannot guarantee the accuracy, completeness and reliability of other third-party content, in particular maps, machine translations, customer reviews, editorial texts and images of locations and regions, and we do not assume responsibility for no responsibility in this regard.

10.7. We are not responsible for the (timely) issuance and access to the necessary visas by the respective diplomatic representation, even if you have instructed us to obtain them.

10.8. The transmission of information, such as the provision of the travel plan, takes place without our responsibility at your expense and risk.

10.9. Your rights arising from non-performance or poor performance, as well as our liability, must be exercised in writing and justified, with all available means of proof, within a maximum period of 30 days from the occurrence and the knowledge of the circumstances giving rise to the claims (limitation period). These claims are barred to the extent permitted by law within one year from the establishment of the claim.


11.1. We are not responsible for force majeure events that make our service difficult, temporarily or completely impossible. Force majeure includes all circumstances beyond our will and control, to the extent that they are unforeseeable, serious and not attributable. Force majeure includes, in particular, war or situations comparable to civil conflicts, travel bans by authorities, pandemics and epidemics, strikes, weather conditions, earthquakes, volcanic eruptions and others.

11.2. To the extent that we are prevented by force majeure from fulfilling our contractual obligations, this does not constitute a breach of contract, and the deadlines established by or due to the contract are extended accordingly depending on the duration of the contract. the obstacle. The same applies when we rely on the service of third parties and this is delayed due to force majeure.

11.3. Edelweiss Travel Designers by Garcia.k may be retained to recover funds for a fee.


12.1. In the event of delay in meeting a binding deadline due to our fault, you must grant us a reasonable additional period of time, provided that execution remains possible. In the event of culpable non-compliance with this deadline, you have the right to terminate the contract. All other claims, in particular for damages, are excluded to the extent legally permitted.


13.1. We undertake to rectify or replace, at our choice and within a reasonable period that we will set, the defective services and work results constituting poor execution.

13.2. If the rectification or replacement also fails within the specified period, you are entitled to withdraw from the contract. All other claims, in particular for damages, are excluded to the extent legally permitted.


14.1. You and we may revoke or terminate the counseling and mediation relationship at any time. Revocation or termination must be made in writing. However, if this is done at an inopportune time, the withdrawing party is liable to pay damages.

14.2. In the event of revocation or termination of the contract by you, you must pay us appropriate remuneration for the work already carried out, as well as reimbursement of costs. In addition, you must indemnify us for all obligations incurred in connection with the performance of the contract.

14.3. If you are a natural person, the contract ends in the event of death, declaration of absence or incapacity to act, as soon as we become legally aware of the cause of termination.

14.4. If a composition is declared against you, the suspension of the liquidation of the bankruptcy is granted, the contract only ends after revocation or termination.


15.1. “Work Results” means any results of the Services to be provided under an Engagement by Us. Unless expressly agreed otherwise, all rights, ownership rights and exploitation rights to the contractual services and/or work results, including all intellectual property rights, are exclusively reserved to us.

15.2. We grant you, from the moment of their creation, a non-exclusive, irrevocable right, unlimited in time and space of reproduction and use (all known forms of usage rights), modification, adaptation and change of services, work results and know-how developed and/or provided non-individually for you. With regard to the work results developed and/or provided tailor-made for you within the framework of an assignment, we grant you an exclusive, free, transferable, unlimited and irrevocable right to all forms of usage rights, to from their creation. The transfer of rights is subject to the condition of full payment of the compensation owed to us.

15.3. Unless otherwise agreed, we have the unrestricted right to use the know-how acquired during the execution of an assignment alone or with you and third parties, subject to applicable confidentiality obligations and intellectual property rights.


16.1. We reserve the right to modify these terms and conditions for the future at any time, without obligation to notify you. The current version of these conditions at the time of their application is available on the Website.

16.2. In the event of contradictions or ambiguities between these general conditions and the specific conditions of the respective contract, the specific conditions of the contract will prevail.

16.3. If a provision of these general terms and conditions is or becomes totally or partially invalid, or if a gap is noted in the contract, the validity of the other provisions remains unaffected. An appropriate provision must be put in place to replace the invalid provision or to fill the gap, which comes as close as possible to what the parties would probably have wanted based on the meaning and purpose of the contract.


17.1. For all claims arising from or linked to a contract, as well as for all extra-contractual claims, only Swiss law is applicable, to the exclusion of private international law (IPRG).

17.2. In the event of a dispute, only the court of our head office has jurisdiction: Geneva, Switzerland. However, we also have the right to sue you before the competent court of your domicile or registered office, or before any other competent court.

17.3. Before submitting a dispute to a court, you should contact the independent ombudsman of the Swiss travel industry. It will endeavor to find a fair solution to resolve any dispute that may arise between you and Edelweiss Travel Designers by Garcia.k.
Ombudsman of the Swiss travel sector
Etzelstrasse 42
Case Postale
8038 Zurich
T +41 44 485 45 35

17.4. General contract and travel conditions: Edelweiss Travel Designers by Garcia.k publishes its T&Cs on its website http://www.edelweisstraveldesigners

17.5. Complaint deadline: Immediately after return, at the latest after 7 days.

This editorial was completed on April 28, 2024

Edelweiss Travel Designers by Garcia.k

Route du Nant d’Avril 150

1217 Meyrin
